What are three new things you have learned about yourself and your ego as a result of the core learning?

The habit of reflecting on anything, helps me a lot. I need to do more of it for both happiness in life and success in coding career.

I have to take breaks regularly. Instead of getting obsessed about a problem.

Based on the MBIT test i have taken, i have some limitations for my personality type, acknowledging those and taking steps to improving them.

I have to be reminded of a framework a few times, by way of sticking something on the wall etc, to start following them. Otherwise I will fall into the trap of doing it in my own fashion.For eample, i do not use all of the problem solving techniques.

I can learn well by doing projects, than getting lost in watching Udemy, Youtube videos (tutorial hell).

What are the role of values, empathy and self awareness in learning and programming?

Most of the situations, we will be working in a team and being able to understand out own emotions and that of other is crucial for success. Not just careerwise, it is also important to have good relationships with people around us.

What has surprised you the most about the core learning?

Learning about neuroplasticity and growth mindset

Why do you think we, a programming school, are spending so much time focusing on core learning in a web development bootcamp course?

It is important to have these core skills to be able to work in a team. Core curriculam helps us to know yourself and people around us.

A certain level of Techincals skill set is a basic eligibility criteria. The core skills makes a candidate a great one.

Does the time you spent studying core learning here feel like a waste of time? Should you have just used that time to practising programming instead? Justify your answer.

No, I don't think it is a waste of time. It has proved to be useful to me. I have learnt a lot of new things and the new ideas has re-shaped my belief system. However, i feel that there is a lot to write in the form of blog or reflections. The amount of time we spend writing blogs and reflectiosn can be spent in someother way to learn or solidify the same core concepts.