The "Super FizzBuzz" problem had two peices of smaller soultions called functions whic make up the final solution, each doing its own job. A bigger(or outer) functions(a peice of program) calls a the smaller(or inner) function (a peice of program). Once the smaller function is done, it passes something to a bigger function. Unaware of this style, that pieces of functiosn work together to accomplish a task, I tried to write all the code in the bigger function, completely ignoring the smaller function. But, i was stuck and could not proceed further. I wrote Pseudocode, Googled and tried differen things. I realised, i will have to make use of the smaller function. Broke the problem into as suggested in teh repl exercise and accomplished the result. I realise i will have to start looking at big problems and begin to break them. More importanlty, when and where the other functions will be called. Always, think , is there a function i have written whic does this job.
The "JS Gradebook" kata was a bit of a challenge to me. The second step was to create the "gradebook" object using information from two other variables (students and scores). Hardcoding fully or partially is one of the options. But i wanted to have a solution which would work if the items in these two variables (students and scores) were edited, but without modifying my current solution. I did some Pseudocode and googling, whcih helped me to break the problem and approach them one at a time. Was able to come up with a good solution toward the end.